Monday, July 16, 2012

Why I Create Art

I spend a lot of time creating art and thinking about the process of creating art. Lately, I've also reconsidered why I make art. When I was a student, this is something we were encouraged to think about A LOT.

I find myself wondering if my audience has changed, if my motivations have changed and if I need to alter my techniques. It's fair to say that I'm my own worst critic when it comes to technique and style.

Most artists will tell you that they create art for themselves and while I will agree with this, there is also the part that needs to consider marketing, if you want to sell your work. I've worked as a designer to others' wishes. As a freelance painter, I pretty much do the same thing -- the client tells me what she wants, we discuss details, and I execute the work. If I'm lucky, I might get the odd client who says, "paint whatever, as long as its got fairy wings and the color pink, " but for the most part, I adhere to the paying client's wishes.

I do create work solely for myself. It is, afterall, how we all start out with crayon in hand. Recently, I've returned to abstract painting which would, on the surface, seemingly have nothing to do with fairy and fantasy art. But I paint a lot of emotional work and dreams which also inform greatly those same fairies and mermaids.

The short answer to "why do I still create" is because I have to. Painting is my voice. I create stories with paintings. Often I feel as if I'm not being heard when I use my voice or that I've chosen my words poorly. So, a painting can speak for me. Someone else will always give it a new meaning.

Have you considered why you create? For whom? Is it a job? Is it divine motivation? Is it therapy? Let me know what you think.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

This week, I'm taking inventory and adding more prints to my stock, since several sold at Carroll County Art in the Park last weekend. I had a great time at that event!

I'm also working on a large painting which we've tentatively called The Grey Lady, simply because there's a lot of grey in the painting so far. This work keeps getting delayed because of show preparations and commissions, but I do hope to finish her in the next few weeks.

Cleaning the studio is an ongoing chore. It gets a little out of control when show season arrives, so I'm trying desperately to keep things in order as I continue working finding space for prints to dry is tough. 

As many of you already know, I post more frequently on Twitter @KellyBarrettArt and Facebook, but I like to keep a blog for larger topics or some singular issue that's been on my mind. I'm not much of a blogger at this stage and would LOVE your input on what you'd like to see me write about: Perhaps, a tutorial? My history of painting? Edgar Allan Poe? You let me know and I'll give it a try.

Thanks, all!

Friday, April 27, 2012


I know it's been ages!  Just want to keep things going on my blog for larger events and chattier news.

Since my official website has reached 23,800 hits, I am giving away a set of 9 ACEO (2.5"x3.5") LIMITED EDITION prints. I make only 9 of each image, so there are very few to go around.

Be the 9th email to with the Subject Line: APRILGIVES and this fantastic fantasy set is yours! Timestamps will determine the order of the emails and the winner, if there's a tie.

THANK YOU for visiting my site and for all of your support. I appreciate each and every one of you!